Anghiari and Leonardo da Vinci’s Battle

Anghiari and Leonardo da Vinci’s Battle

Anghiari the village of the famous Leonardo da Vinci’s Battle

anghiari via del soleAnghiari is a wonderful medieval village nestled on a hill overlooking the Tuscan Valtiberina. “Bandiera Arancione” of the Touring Club it is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy thanks to its thirteenth-century “Bastioni” and the “Ruga” of San Martino which divides the town in two making it unique and recognizable in the world.

The history of Anghiari reaches its peak on 29 June 1440 when, with the Battle of Anghiari, the Florentines reaffirmed their belonging to Tuscany and making it immortal with the fresco “The Battle of Anghiari” by Leonardo da Vinci made in the Cinquecento hall in Palazzo Vecchio of Florence.


anghiariToday Anghiari is a delightfully slow village, thanks to its narrow alleys, stairways, climbs and descents of its flowery historic center where you can admire local craft shops, historic buildings, museums and breathtaking views of the Valtiberina and Sansepolcro. Anghiari, despite being a tourist town has not lost its authenticity, the “Anghiarese” (resident of Anghiari) still live and animate the historic center and during the “hot” hours there is no lack of meeting a “grandmother” sitting in front of her house who mends or knitting in the refreshing shade of a historic building.


Visit the Museums of Anghiari:

Museo della Battaglia: museum dedicated to the Battle of Anghiari frescoed by Leonardo da Vinci and the Battle fought between Fiorentini and Milanese in 1440

Museo Taglieschi: museum that collects works from the Valtiberina including the polychrome wooden sculpture depicting the Virgin, masterpiece by Jacopo della Quercia (around 1420) and the Nativity attributed to the workshop of Andrea della Robbia

Museo della Misericordia: museum that collects tools and equipment for the rescue and personal care dating back to 1800

Anghiari is a place that lives all year round, here the most famous events:

Mostra Mercato dell’Artigianato della Valtiberina Toscana: between late April and early May

Il Palio della Vittoria: is the re-enactment of the battle of Anghiari on June 29th

Tiber Sinfonia Festival: musical event in collaboration with the Southbank Sinfonia Orchestra of London that performs in the squares of Anghiari on July

Tovaglia a Quadri: the two central week

L’intrepida: cycling tour for only cyclists with historical bikes and appropriate clothing, meddle of October

I Centogusti dell’Appennino: market exhibition of typical products of the Apennines, beginning of November

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